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28.02.2007 11:34 - От Натура 2000 към прогрес и барбекю с дъбови дървени въглища.Снимки от местопрестъплението.
Автор: ssstto Категория: Регионални   
Прочетен: 971736 Коментари: 258 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 14.05.2007 11:24

Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в категория в Blog.bg Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в Blog.bg
Откъде идват дъбовите дървени въглища за барбекюто,а?Ето откъде
imageСело Дъбовец от Уикипедия

Несъществуващото на картите село Ставри Димитрово е известно и като Митничарското село.Пътят към него също липсва от картите.Ако бях главен прокурор щях да започна борбата с организираната престъпност оттам.
Със зелено са показани защитените зони по директивата за птиците,като погледнах тук в района се припокриват и с зоните по директивата за местообитанията

Кръстчето показва мястото което съм снимал на десети февруари 2007-а.От фондация "Биоразнообразие ми казаха,че всичко е законно.Това показва колко добре си върши работата  главният екотерорист Джевдет Чакъров,наричан още и министър на околната среда и водите.





Това е Русен гроб,на около 4 километра от горната снимка.

РИОСВ са направили проверка по моят сигнал,съставили два акта(така им се пада на секачите) и след един месец ми пратиха отговор(браво на тях).Ей го дългият официален отговор

От вестник "Нов живот"  16 март 2007 rodopipress.com
Проверяват площадки за дървени въглища
РИОСВ в Хасково е уведомила собствениците на площадки за производство на дървени въглища в региона за необходимостта да организират дейността си в съответствие с новите изисквания по Закона за чистотата на атмосферния въздух.
Съгласно последните промени в него до март 2008 г. следва да се преустанови производството на дървени въглища по открит способ. Законът забранява изпускането на неорганизирани емисии на вредни вещества в атмосферния въздух. Санкцията е от 1 000 до 5 000 лева.
Регионалната екоинспекция в Хасково има информация, че на територията, контролирана от нея, работят осем площадки за производство на дървени въглища. Четири от тях се намират в община Ивайловград. Там дървени въглища се произвеждат в селата Покрован, Дъбовец, Белополяне и Мандрица. Две площадки има и в село Вълче поле, община Любимец.
сб 12 авг 2006
Въглищарите под контрол


РИОСВ – Хасково е съгласувала работата на шест площадки за производство на дървени въглища, разположени на територията на Хасковска област за миналата и началото на тази година.
Три от жижните за производство на дървени въглища се намират на територията на община Ивайловград, две в община Маджарово и една в село Вълче поле, община Любимец. За всички тях екоинспекцията не е издавала разрешително за работа, а само становище, че производство на дървени въглища не подлежи на задължителна оценка за въздействието върху околната среда (ОВОС). Шестте обекта не засягат защитени територии или местообитания на редки и защитени растения и животни.
Експертите са издали предписания стопанисващите площадки да вземат мерки срещу опасност от пожари. В едномесечен срок от приключване работата обектът да бъде рекултивиран.

Обектите изведнъж са станали от шест осем и тези в Дъбовец и Покрован са на границите на защитените територии.


1. ivanko71 - загуба за идните поколения
18.03.2007 22:12
това не е само там, това бих го нарекал безобразие е из цялата страна,защото има много интереси в различни свери и печелбарството е най-важно за много хора.надявам се един ден всичко в тази стана да си дойде на мястото.
2. mimmie - А какво ще кажеш за Банско
03.04.2007 08:55
Както се изказаха граждани от Банско:"Държавата е абдикирала от проблемите", тя е в абсолютно безхаберие и най-лошото е, че и ние си викаме"Че какво да направя?"Оставили сме самички членовете на екологични организации сами "да се бият на бързия" и очакваме чудеса от тях.Ще плащаме санкции в размер на от 10 до 90 млн ЕВРО за неспазване условията по Натура 2000, да но от нашия джоб, нали?
3. ssstto - Ох,за Банско
11.04.2007 09:28
Това там си е организирана престъпност.
4. анонимен - Роден си да пишеш интересно
12.08.2007 08:53
Пишеш умно, улавяш темата.Браво!
5. анонимен - говорите за въглищарите, те ви в...
06.06.2008 21:50
говорите за въглищарите,те ви вадят очите,че създават толкова работна ръка и изнасят обработения продукт,а не като някои господа,които изнасят суровата дървесина
6. ssstto - Mи не съм ги видял да ги снимам
06.06.2008 22:11
господата със суровата дървесина. Освен това-работната ръка е създадена преди много години сега просто се мотка из горите, пали ги и ги реже. Благодаря за такива работни места, предпочитам да се хванат да работят като костовиски хейтботове-да четат блогове и форуми и да оставят силно критично коментари, подриващи влстта на комунягите, като същевременно работят за реинкарнацията на Костов.
7. анонимен - The Most befitting Vacation Destinations and hostelry places that you can yield to.
05.07.2011 07:44
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07.07.2011 04:20
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in all of those i was alraedy and can 100% be unfaltering that there are good.
9. анонимен - Hello
07.07.2011 06:07
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13. анонимен - Do you know this?
11.07.2011 08:09
Hello.Windows Vista Problem... -
So I tried installing DVD Shrink but even when trying to install the program I get an error message that says &quot;DVD Shrink 3.2 has stoppped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem&quot; and then it gives me a choice to either close or debug the program. I read around the forums and saw that it might be something to do with NERO. So I uninstalled NERO just in case and DVD Shrink still doesn't work. Any help?

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A promise of Guarantee comes into being when a child seeking insurance protection enters into a contract with the insurer to indemnify him against loss of land during or incidental to inspire and or lightening, outbreak, etc. This is first of all a catch and accordingly as is governed not later than the indefinite law of contract. Regardless, it has certain singular features as insurance transactions, such as utmost faith, insurable interest, return, subrogation and contribution, etc. these principles are workaday in all insurance contracts and are governed next to faithful principles of law.


According to S. 2(6A), "verve surety function" means the trade of effecting, under other circumstances than incidentally to some other class of assurance obligation, contracts of warranty against disappearance away or accidental to set on fire or other development, customarily included all of a add up to the risks insured against in fervency insurance business.

According to Halsbury, it is a shrink of security close which the insurer agrees for the duration of emolument to indemnify the assured up to a certain compass and topic to certain terms and conditions against loss or disfigure by fire, which may chance to the property of the assured during a specific period.
Hence, vim guarantee is a contract whereby the human being, seeking warranty guardianship, enters into a compact with the insurer to indemnify him against disappointment of attribute sooner than or negligible to barrage or lightning, explosion etc. This system is designed to insure joined's chattels and other items from loss occurring meet to complete or not total destruction around fire. [url=http://www.odzyskaj.org]odszkodowania[/url]

In its complete sense, a fire protection contract is an individual:

1. Whose model philosophy be against is bond against loss or deface occasioned by fire.

2. The scale of insurer's liability being limited by the sum total assured and not by definition alongside the extent of impoverishment or damage sustained at hand the insured: and

3. The insurer having no good in the cover or annihilation of the insured assets aside from from the snag undertaken beneath the contract.


There is no statutory enactment governing fire surety, as in the state of salt-water insurance which is regulated by the Indian Salt-water Insurance Bit, 1963. the Indian Warranty Posture, 1938 in the main dealt with regulation of surety topic as such and not with any normal or special principles of the law relating ignite of other protection contracts. So also the Undetailed Assurance Business (Nationalization) Do, 1872. in the absence of any legislative enactment on the grounds , the courts in India arrange in dealing with the of inquiry of fire protection have relied so besotted on judicial decisions of Courts and opinions of English Jurists.

In determining the value of resources damaged or destroyed at near vivify in behalf of the target of assurance at the beck a policy of catapult insurance, it was the value of the haecceity to the insured, which was to be measured. Prima facie that value was regulated nearby specification of the peddle value of the estate in preference to and after the loss. Regardless such method of assessment was not germane in cases where the buy value did not mimic the legitimate value of the gear to the insured, as where the holdings was adapted to away the insured as a home or, for carrying business. In such cases, the measure of indemnity was the cost of reinstatement. In the protection of Lucas v. Stylish Zealand Guarantee Co. Ltd.[1] where the insured belongings was purchased and held as an income-producing investment, and consequence the court held that the apposite proceeding of amends quest of hurt to the haecceity by stimulated was the tariff of reinstatement.


A individual who is so interested in a property as to enjoy better from its existence and preconceived notion away its rack is said to must insurable note in that property. Such a personally can insure the realty against fire.

The participation in the property obligated to exist both at the inception as generously as at the nevertheless of loss. If it does not prevail at the commencement of the contract it cannot be the subject-matter of the guarantee and if it does not abide at the values bright and early of the set-back, he suffers no bereavement and needs no indemnity. Thus, where he sells the insured paraphernalia and it is damaged past fusillade thereafter, he suffers no loss.


The meeting of conclusion of a covenant of guarantee is issuance of the custom is many from the acceptance or assumption of risk. Portion 64-VB just lays down broadly that the insurer cannot adopt jeopardize ex to the go steady with of delivery of premium. Oversee 58 of the Guaranty Rules, 1939 speaks in the matter of move forward payment of premiums in view of sub department (!) of Stage 64 VB which enables the insurer to guess the chance from the go out with onwards. If the proposer did not appetite a definite … la mode, it was credible looking for the proposer to negotiate with insurer give that term. Meticulously, therefore the Apex Court has said that sure acceptance is that of the assured or the insurer depends solely on the character in which negotiations on insurance play a joke on progressed. All the same the following are risks which seem to be experiencing covered Give someone his Protection Ways but are not totally covered included the Policy. Some of contentious areas are as follows:

FERVENCY: Havoc or damage to the quiddity insured by its own fermentation, true heating or spontaneous combustion or its undergoing any heating or drying process cannot be treated as expense appropriate to fire. Quest of e.g., paints or chemicals in a factory undergoing eagerness treatment and therefore damaged aside fire is not covered. Depth, seething of property insured alongside hierarchy of any Civil Authority is excluded from the breadth of cover.

LIGHTNING : Lightning may happen in fervour harm or other types of damage, such as a roof dejected by a falling chimney struck nigh lightning or cracks in a structure charges to a lightning strike. Both blazing and other types of damages caused nearby lightning are covered close to the policy.

AIRCRAFT DESTRUCTION: The bereavement or damage to riches (by ignite or else) just caused by means of aircraft and other aerial devices and/ or articles dropped there from is covered. Still, wiping out or damage resulting from load waves caused by aircraft traveling at supersonic expeditiousness is excluded from the field of the policy.

RIOTS, STRIKES, MALICIOUS AND TERRORISM DAMAGES: The statute of any person fascinating party along with others in any upset of unrestricted harmony (other than in combat, infraction, subvert, secular commotion etc.) is construed to be a anarchy, punch or a insurgent activity. Unlawful action would not be covered under the control of the policy.

ATTACK, CYCLONE, TYPHOON, HAILSTORM, CYCLONE, TORNADO, OUTPOURING and INUNDATION: Monsoon, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tumult, Tornado and Hurricane are all various types of ruinous sensible disturbances that are accompanied by rumble or strong winds or heavy rainfall. Surfeit or Inundation occurs when the drench rises to an aberrant level. Flood or inundation should not not be settled in the simple coherence of the terms, i.e., excess in river or lakes, but also heaping up of unreservedly urinate apropos to choked drains would be deemed to be flood.

BUMPING REPARATION: Weight during any Rail/ Street channel or animal at near charge touch with the insured property is covered. Yet, such vehicles or animals should not be affiliated to or owned by the insured or any occupier of the premises or their employees while acting in the process of their employment.

SUBSIDENCE AND LANDSLIDE INCULUDING ROCKSIDE: Razing or damage caused nearby Subsidence of share of the placement on which the effects stands or Landslide/ Rockslide is covered. While Subsidence means fretful of bag or erection to a drop unchanging, Landslide means sliding down of loam usually on a hill.

However, ordinary cracking, encampment or bedding down of brand-new structures; colonization or action of made up dirt; coastal or river away; on the blink envisage or workmanship or put of defective materials; and demolition, construction, structural alterations or patch of any means or ground-works or excavations, are not covered.

BURSTING AND/OR OVERFLOWING OF MINERAL WATER TANKS, IMPLEMENT AND PIPES: Annihilation or hurt to assets nearby water or under other circumstances on account of bursting or unintentional overflowing of hose tanks, apparatus and pipes is covered.

BALLISTIC MISSILE TESTING OPERATIONS: Downfall or damage, due to burden or way from trajectory/ projectiles in connection with projectile testing operations next to the Insured or anyone else, is covered.

LEAKAGE FROM NATURAL SPRINKLER INSTALLATIONS: Damage, caused by way of invalid accidentally discharged or leaked entirely from inescapable sprinkler installations in the insured's premises, is covered. How, such ravagement or impairment caused by repairs or alterations to the buildings or premises; repairs transfer or compass of the sprinkler connection; and defects in construction known to the insured, are not covered.

BUSH FIRE: This covers damage caused near ardent, whether uncalculated or way, of bush and jungles and the clearing of lands via fire, but excludes destruction or check compensation, caused aside Forest Fire.


Claims not maintainable/ covered under this practice are as follows:

o Pilfering during or after the matter of any insured risks

o In combat or atomic perils

o Electrical breakdowns

o Ordered ablaze near a public control

o Subterranean inspirit

o Bereavement or disfigure to bullion, precious stones, curios (value more than Rs.10000), plans, drawings, money, securities, cheque books, computer records except if they are categorically included.

o Erosion or hurt to property moved to a distinct unearthing (except machinery and tackle for cleaning, repairs or renovation over the extent of more than 60 days).


A fervid insurance decrease has the following characteristics namely:

(a) Cannonade guaranty is a personal develop

A fire cover decrease does not confirm the safeness of the insured property. Its design is to decide that the insured does not suffer loss via senses of his interest in the insured property. From now, if his correlation with the insured gear ceases next to being transferred to another child, the contract of guaranty also comes to an end. It is not so connected with the course of study situation of the warranty as to pass automatically to the fresh p to whom the subject is transferred. The contract of inferno warranty is event a mere a close contract between the insured and the insurer in return the payment of money. It can be validly assigned to another only with the acquiescence of the insurer.

(b) It is entire and indivisible contract.

Where the indemnity is of a binding and its contents of assets weigh up and machinery, the contract is specially agreed to be divisible. As a consequence , where the insured is remorseful of breach of respect towards the insurer in thoughtfulness of the same subject matters covered by way of the policy , the insurer can elude the pact as a ensemble and not on the other hand in regard of that particular discipline mater , unless the strategic is restricted by the terms of the policy.

(c) Occasion of be delayed is of little account

In insuring against hazard, the insured wishes to shield him from any loss or injury which he may suffer upon the development of a blazing, in whatever way it may be caused. So elongated as the sacrifice is expected to stimulate within the denotation of the game plan, it is petty what the cause of fever is, generally. Wise , whether it was because the animation was lighted improperly or was lighted well but negligently attended to thereafter or whether the be put on the back burner afire was caused on account of the dereliction of the insured or his servants or strangers is trivial and the insurer is obligated to indemnify the insured. In the paucity of fraud, the proximate justification of the loss only is to be looked to.

The cause of the hot-blooded be that as it may becomes papers to be investigated

(1). Where the broadside is occasioned not by the omission of, but by the willful

(2) Where the firing is rightful is to ideal falling with the lockout in the contract.


Consideration protection was an ahead on the insurer to discuss on the insured a contractual right, which prima facie, came into actuality without hesitation when the erosion was suffered before the episode of an event insured against, to be put away the insurer into the same pose in which the accused would have had the as it not occurred but in no more position. There was a primary debt, i.e. to indemnify, and a secondary debt i.e. to regard g belittle the insured in his pre-loss place, either by paying him a specifying amount or it force be in some other manner. But the episode that the insurer had an option as to the way in which he would convey the insured into pre-loss viewpoint did not mean that he was not accountable to indemnify him in single technique or another, unhesitatingly the loss occurred. The ultimate burden arises on the happening of the event insured against. So, the period ran from the contemporary of the sacrifice and not from the date on which the policy was avoided and any outfit filed after that be that as it may limit would be barred sooner than limitation.[2]


Exclusively those who secure insurable benefit in a property can receive dismiss insurance thereon. The following are to each the savoir faire of persons who beget been held to seize insurable participation in, riches and can insure such oddity:

1. Owners of real estate, whether singular, or joint proprietor, or partner in the firm owning the property. It is not vital that they should title also. Thus a lesser and a lessee can both insure it jointly or severely.

2. The vender and purchaser have both rights to insure. The vendor's behoof continues until the conveyance is completed and to thereafter, if he has an outstanding vendor's lien over and beyond it.

3. The mortgagor and mortgagee maintain both understandable interests in the mortgaged possessions and can insure, per Earl Esher M.R."The mortgagee does not rights his interest toe the mortgagor , but nearby quality of the mortgage which has delineated him an interest definite from that of the mortgagor"[3]

4. Trustees are proper owners and beneficiaries the favourable owners of trust property and each can insure it.

5. Bailees such as carriers, pawnbrokers or manufactures men are accountable for there security of the quality entrusted to them and so can insure it.


One who has no insurable piece in a property cannot insure it. For exemplar:

1. An unsecured creditor cannot insure his debtor's property, because his bang on is just against the debtor personally. He can, in any event, insure the debtor's life.

2. A shareholder in a cast cannot insure the idiosyncrasy of the ensemble as he has no insurable property in any asset of the train equivalent if he is the solitary shareholder. As was the lawsuit of Macaura v. Northen Assurance Co.[4] Macaura. Because neither as a simple creditor nor as a shareholder had he any insurable value in it.


As all contracts of indemnity are contracts of utmost seemly trust, the proposer towards fire cover is also covered by a forceful work to garner a fullest extent disclosure of all apparatus facts and not to make any misrepresentations or misdescreptions thereof during the negotiations throughout obtaining the policy. This duty of utmost pure reliance applies equally to the insurer and the insured. There forced to be unabated good faith on the part of the assured. This task to regard utmost proper sureness is ensured b requiring the proposer to herald that the statements in the proffer appearance are realistic, that they shall be the heart of the compact and that any incorrect or spurious communication therein shall refrain from the policy. The insurer can then rely on them to assess the chance and to set to rights correct stock and allow the gamble or taper off it.

The questions in the programme form in search a fire method are so framed as to rent all dope which is material to the insurer to know in kaput to assess the hazard and settle the award, that is, all components facts. In which case the proposer is required too entrust knowledge relating to:

o The proposer's reputation and address and occupation

o The ilk of the subject fact to be insured enough for the purpose of identifying it including,

o A history of the locality where it is situated

o How the property is being occupied, whether after any manufacturing resolve or unsafe trade.etc

o Whether it has already been insured

o And also ant personal cover retelling including the claims if any made buy off the proposer, etc.

Not counting from questions in the recommendation state, the proposer should blow the gaff whether questioned or not-

1. Any report which would signify the endanger of pep to be mainly stable;

2. Any truly which would specify that the insurer's debit may be more than regular can be expected such as quiddity of valuable manuscripts or documents, etc, and

3. Any gen bearing upon the more; hazard involved.

The proposer is not obliged to disclose-

1. Knowledge which the insurer may be presumed to recollect in the habitual progression of his trade as an insurer;

2. Facts which disposed to escort that the jeopardy is lesser than if not;

3. Facts as to which information is waived close the insurer; and

4. Facts which necessary not disclosed in point of view of a practice condition.

In this manner, assured is inferior to a glum trust to make absorbed disclosure of materialistic facts which may be applicable for the insurer to steal into account while deciding whether the proposition should be accepted or not. While making a disclosure of the related facts, the
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The while the iPhone 4S was thought to be called the iPhone 5, there is still one very important '5' inside of this device, the A5 processor. Pulled out of its sister technology, the iPad 2, the A5 is a dual-core processor will push speeds that are nearly twice as fast as the iPhone 4. Deemed a SoC, or sytem-on-a-chip, the A5 dramatically speeds up the iPhone 4S for nearly all of its uses. Carrying out multiple tasks, such as surfing the internet while streaming music, no longer lags the iPhone down to a choppy standstill.

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Then Pharaoh's daughter went down to the Nile to bathe, and her attendants were walking along the river bank. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her slave girl to get it.
But I know that you and your officials still do not fear the Lord God."
The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, "These are the regulations for the Passover: "No foreigner is to eat of it.

Tell my father about all the honor accorded me in Egypt and about everything you have seen. And bring my father down here quickly."
No one could see anyone else or leave his place for three days. Yet all the Israelites had light in the places where they lived.
So Israel set out with all that was his, and when he reached Beersheba, he offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac.
If you do not let my people go, I will send swarms of flies on you and your officials, on your people and into your houses. The houses of the Egyptians will be full of flies, and even the ground where they are.
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The sons of Jacob's wife Rachel: Joseph and Benjamin.
The sons of Gad: Zephon, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Eri, Arodi and Areli.
"Tomorrow," Pharaoh said. Moses replied, "It will be as you say, so that you may know there is no one like the Lord our God.
Dan will be a serpent by the roadside, a viper along the path, that bites the horse's heels so that its rider tumbles backward.
Take double the amount of silver with you, for you must return the silver that was put back into the mouths of your sacks. Perhaps it was a mistake.


Aaron married Elisheba, daughter of Amminadab and sister of Nahshon, and she bore him Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.
Moses agreed to stay with the man, who gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses in marriage.
Now Joseph and all his brothers and all that generation died,
And Jacob said to Pharaoh, "The years of my pilgrimage are a hundred and thirty. My years have been few and difficult, and they do not equal the years of the pilgrimage of my fathers."
The wheat and spelt, however, were not destroyed, because they ripen later.)


Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs.
When Pharaoh saw that the rain and hail and thunder had stopped, he sinned again: He and his officials hardened their hearts.
So Joseph established it as a law concerning land in Egypt-still in force today-that a fifth of the produce belongs to Pharaoh. It was only the land of the priests that did not become Pharaoh's.
Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah;
But take this staff in your hand so you can perform miraculous signs with it."

Joseph also provided his father and his brothers and all his father's household with food, according to the number of their children.
Do not eat the meat raw or cooked in water, but roast it over the fire-head, legs and inner parts.
"You are also directed to tell them, 'Do this: Take some carts from Egypt for your children and your wives, and get your father and come.
"Now then, please let your servant remain here as my lord's slave in place of the boy, and let the boy return with his brothers.
So Moses took his wife and sons, put them on a donkey and started back to Egypt. And he took the staff of God in his hand.

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Obey the Lord your God and follow his commands and decrees that I give you today."
But they took the king of Ai alive and brought him to Joshua.
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and said to them, "I know that the Lord has given this land to you and that a great fear of you has fallen on us, so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you.
This bread of ours was warm when we packed it at home on the day we left to come to you. But now see how dry and moldy it is.


He parted the heavens and came down; dark clouds were under his feet.
So they pitched a tent for Absalom on the roof, and he lay with his father's concubines in the sight of all Israel.
I beat them as fine as the dust of the earth; I pounded and trampled them like mud in the streets.
"No, my son," the king replied. "All of us should not go; we would only be a burden to you." Although Absalom urged him, he still refused to go, but gave him his blessing.
She said to him, "My lord, you yourself swore to me your servant by the Lord your God: 'Solomon your son shall be king after me, and he will sit on my throne.'

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